Our Story

Romance Publishing with Heart

Meet Jo & Sarah

We love reading and writing romantic, feel-good stories.

We met on a cold grey afternoon in November 2016*, at an author event in London and formed an immediate bond… it was inevitable that we’d become close friends.

Over the years, we’ve got together (with and without our lovely hubby’s and families) in person, spoken on the phone A LOT, sent millions of texts and emails and left HOURS of waffly voice notes.

We’ve many things in common, but our love of high quality romance novels has always been a topic of conversation, discussing what makes a good story, attitudes towards our genre, writing, the publishing industry, and more.

In 2024, we decided to start a business together and J&S Romance was born… we are passionate about romance, and want to help other authors to get their books into the hands of the right readers.

We love: female empowerment, strong character arcs, riveting plots, magical chemistry and dashing heroes - who don’t rescue our heroines, but rather support and enrich her journey.

Jo has a Masters in Creative Writing, she’s completed three magical romance novels, and is working on her fourth.

Sarah has a background in Marketing, and is about to release her seventh novel.

Come follow us on social media, check out our books and if you’d like to submit your romance novel, click here.

*In this lifetime. We’re pretty sure we were besties in previous lives, too.

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